XO Communications
A rebrand that highlights the companies best assets; the people and their dedication.
Purple for the people
In the telecommunications category, brands were saying pretty much the same thing. But, we found that XO had a real competitive advantage – the passion of its employees, who provide superior customer service. Plus, XO can back it up, with both qualitative and quantitative proof of how good they are at offering the solutions and support customers want. These strategic insights became the backbone of the XO rebrand.
To help XO differentiate itself, we reinvented the brand around the idea of support and openness, using bright colors to bring a degree of friendliness and approachability to the brand. To bring simplicity and order to the company’s solutions, we introduced a new brand architecture.
Brand Launch Campaign & Microsite
We discovered that XO employees share a common passion for technology. To generate awareness of the updated XO brand among IT professionals and influencers in the digital space, we paired an XO employee from the five divisions with five highly influential new media artists { Marius Watz, Joshua Davis, Casey Reas, Mr. doob, Kyle McDonald } to visualize an immersive online experience celebrating the passion XO has for technology at TheBeautyBehindIt.com
Inspired by XO connect : Created by Marius Watz
Artist Marius Watz’s Intangibles is an exploration of the role any connection can play in generating network growth and activity. XO Technical Staff member Glen Growchowski’s interest in the infinite nature of a single network served as inspiration for Watz’s whimsical interpretation. Watz’s Intangibles is both a live experience of the immense power of a single connection, and an accurate portrayal of the ever-growing capacity of the networks that surround us.
Unity Abstraction
Inspired by XO unify : Created by Joshua Davis
Whether it’s connecting people using VoIP services, or creating new systems that adapt to network needs, solutions rely on instantaneous action. Joshua Davis’ interactive mosaic captures Jake Heinz’s passion for XO voice and data services, given “we can take something as complicated as the human voice, capture it, digitize it, break it down into thousands of tiny packets, then reassemble them in the right order.”
Inspired by XO compute : Created by Kyle McDonald
Kyle McDonald was inspired by Principal Solutions Architect Nena Dodson’s description of the cloud’s infinite potential to store and sort information, this experience presents an amalgam of raw visual data. “Activate the cloud” with your mouse to retrieve the data your looking for. Much like the cloud, there’s an intangible, and infinite, connection keeping everything together.
Prototype N-C
Inspired by XO accelerate : Created by Casey Reas
The performance of any wide area network relies on the ability to control interactions, manage growth and accelerate activity—simultaneously. Improving speed, and therefore the value of technology, is what drives Tad Huck’s contributions to XO as a Senior DBA. Casey Reas’ Prototype N-C captures a series of near infinite data pulses that put the power of organic network configurations, nodes, and speed on full display.
Translucent Network
Inspired by XO secure : Created by Mr. doob
The insight of XO Principal Solutions Architect, Rich Gardner, inspired famed artist and developer Mr.doob to recreate security threats within the context of a mesmerizing waltz of particles. These traveling data packets simulate the flow of information on a network, with the scale and trajectory of marauding security threats revealed at various perspectives. “To secure data today,” explained Gardner of his collaboration with Mr.doob, “the gatekeeper needs to be intelligent and dynamic, staying ahead of a threat that constantly morphs and reinvents itself.”